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Captain Tsubasa

Kaptan Tsubasa, 1981'de Yoichi Takahashi taraf?ndan yarat?lm?? bir manga serisidir. Manga popülerlik kazan?nca ayn? isimle anime olarak da uyarlanm??t?r. Öykü Japon genç tak?m?n?n y?ld?z oyuncusu Tsubasa Oozora'n?n ya?ad?klar?n? anlatmaktad?r. Türkiye'de "Küçük Golcü" olarak da yay?nlanm??t?r

  • Kategori:Animasyon, Drama, Spor,
  • Ülke:Japan,
  • Yaratıcı:n/A
  • Yönetmen:s
  • Yaratıcı Yönetmen:t
  • Orjinal Yayın Başlangıcı:2018-02-04
  • Türkiyedeki Yayın Başlangıcı:2019-01-01

ResimSezon SırasıToplam Sırasıİngilizce İsimTürkçe İsimYönetmenYazar
11Take FlightTake FlightToshiyuki KatoYôichi Takahashi,Atsuhiro Tomioka
22He's flying!He's flying!Toshiyuki KatoYôichi Takahashi,Atsuhiro Tomioka
33A New Beginning for the Nankatsu Football ClubA New Beginning for the Nankatsu Football ClubToshiyuki KatoYôichi Takahashi,Atsuhiro Tomioka
44Tsubasa and RobertoTsubasa and RobertoToshiyuki KatoYôichi Takahashi,Atsuhiro Tomioka
55On the way to the Inter-School TournamentOn the way to the Inter-School TournamentToshiyuki KatoYôichi Takahashi,Atsuhiro Tomioka
66Kick-Off! Nankatsu vs ShuutetsuKick-Off! Nankatsu vs ShuutetsuToshiyuki KatoYôichi Takahashi,Atsuhiro Tomioka
77Fantasista TsubasaFantasista TsubasaToshiyuki KatoYôichi Takahashi,Atsuhiro Tomioka
88Birth of Nankatsu Golden DuoBirth of Nankatsu Golden DuoToshiyuki KatoYôichi Takahashi,Atsuhiro Tomioka
99Debonair End of ActDebonair End of ActToshiyuki KatoYôichi Takahashi,Atsuhiro Tomioka
1010Kojiro ArrivesKojiro ArrivesToshiyuki Katon/A
1111A Surprisingly Difficult MatchA Surprisingly Difficult Matchn/An/A
1212Crushing WakabayashiCrushing Wakabayashin/An/A
1313Now it's the entire country!Now it's the entire country!n/An/A
1414Nankatsu burns to beat MeiwaNankatsu burns to beat Meiwan/An/A
1515I Can't Lose Because It's My Dream!I Can't Lose Because It's My Dream!n/An/A
1616This is Acrobatic Soccer!This is Acrobatic Soccer!n/An/A
1717Last 4 Minutes! Decisive Battle in the AirLast 4 Minutes! Decisive Battle in the Airn/An/A
1818Let's go! The Decisive TournamentLet's go! The Decisive Tournamentn/An/A
1919Fierce fight! Meiwa VS FuranoFierce fight! Meiwa VS Furanon/An/A
2020Musashi's Secret PlanMusashi's Secret Plann/An/A
2121The Ace of GlassThe Ace of Glassn/An/A
2222Additional Time of DestinyAdditional Time of Destinyn/An/A
2323The Prodigy Goalkeeper Returns!The Prodigy Goalkeeper Returns!n/An/A
2424Tenacity, Definitely Tenacity!Tenacity, Definitely Tenacity!n/An/A
2525Blazing Counter AttackBlazing Counter Attackn/An/A
2626Illusory GoalIllusory Goaln/An/A
2727Moment of GloryMoment of Gloryn/An/A
2828Everyone's Setting OffEveryone's Setting Offn/An/A
2929The Opening of the Summer (Start)!The Opening of the Summer (Start)!n/An/A
3030Prefectural Tournament Final Game! Falcon Shoot Appeared!Prefectural Tournament Final Game! Falcon Shoot Appeared!n/An/A
3131The Falcon versus TsubasaThe Falcon versus Tsubasan/An/A
3232Overthrow Tsubasa! Hyuga versus MisugiOverthrow Tsubasa! Hyuga versus Misugin/An/A
3333Tokyo Tournament ConclusionTokyo Tournament Conclusionn/An/A
3434Fierce Battle Opening! Tournament StartFierce Battle Opening! Tournament Startn/An/A
3535The explosive power of the razorThe explosive power of the razorn/An/A
3636Everyone's DecisionEveryone's Decisionn/An/A
3737Skylab Hurricane!Skylab Hurricane!n/An/A
3838Assault! Tachibana BrothersAssault! Tachibana Brothersn/An/A
3939Nankatsu versus Hanawa Conclusion!Nankatsu versus Hanawa Conclusion!n/An/A
4040Furano goes to the front!Furano goes to the front!n/An/A
4141The Fearful Dark HorseThe Fearful Dark Horsen/An/A
4242Phoenix TsubasaPhoenix Tsubasan/An/A
4444Number 10 vs Number 10Number 10 vs Number 10n/An/A
4545Tears in AirportTears in Airportn/An/A
4646Kick off of the CenturyKick off of the Centuryn/An/A
4747Confrontation of Destiny Once MoreConfrontation of Destiny Once Moren/An/A
4848The King TohoThe King Tohon/An/A
4949Incandescent Fighters, the Fierce Tiger and TsubasaIncandescent Fighters, the Fierce Tiger and Tsubasan/An/A
5151Miracle Drive Shoot!Miracle Drive Shoot!n/An/A
5252Endless DreamEndless Dreamn/An/A