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ResimSezon SırasıToplam Sırasıİngilizce İsimTürkçe İsimYönetmenYazar
11Spear and FangSpear and FangGenndy TartakovskyGenndy Tartakovsky,Genndy Tartakovsky
22River of SnakesRiver of SnakesGenndy TartakovskyGenndy Tartakovsky,Darrick Bachman
33A Cold DeathA Cold DeathGenndy TartakovskyDarrick Bachman,Bryan Andrews,David Krentz
44Terror Under the Blood MoonTerror Under the Blood MoonGenndy TartakovskyDarrick Bachman,Bryan Andrews,Darrick Bachman
55Rage of the Ape-MenRage of the Ape-MenGenndy TartakovskyDarrick Bachman,Bryan Andrews,Darrick Bachman
66Scent of PreyScent of PreyGenndy TartakovskyDarrick Bachman,Bryan Andrews,Darrick Bachman
77Plague of MadnessPlague of MadnessGenndy TartakovskyDarrick Bachman,Darrick Bachman,David Krentz
88Coven of the DamnedCoven of the DamnedGenndy TartakovskyDarrick Bachman,Bryan Andrews,Darrick Bachman
99The Night FeederThe Night FeederGenndy TartakovskyDarrick Bachman,Darrick Bachman,Genndy Tartakovsky
1010Slave of the ScorpionSlave of the ScorpionGenndy TartakovskyDarrick Bachman,Darrick Bachman,David Krentz