The series revolves around Ky, a 15-year-old student of ancient martial arts, who embarks on an epic quest to find the Kairu, a primordial alien energy source. Aided by his friends Maya and Boomer, Ky travels the world searching for the Kairu while attempting to make sure that his extraterrestrial teenage alien adversaries don't find it first.
Resim | Sezon Sırası | Toplam Sırası | İngilizce İsim | Türkçe İsim | Yönetmen | Yazar |
1 | 1 | The Fist of the Colossus | The Fist of the Colossus | Stephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon | Vincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Michelle Lamoreaux | |
2 | 2 | Maya Goes Bad | Maya Goes Bad | Sang-ho Yeon | Michelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park | |
3 | 3 | The Kairu Diary | The Kairu Diary | Sang-ho Yeon | Michelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park | |
4 | 4 | The Cataclysm Stone | The Cataclysm Stone | Sang-ho Yeon | Michelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park | |
5 | 5 | The Guardian of the Souls | The Guardian of the Souls | Sang-ho Yeon | Sang-yeon Park,Franklin Young | |
6 | 6 | The Valley of the Banyan | The Valley of the Banyan | Stephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Vincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Michelle Lamoreaux | |
7 | 7 | The Kairu That Time Forgot | The Kairu That Time Forgot | Stephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Vincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Sang-yeon Park | |
8 | 8 | The Mask of Fire | The Mask of Fire | Stephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Vincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Sang-yeon Park | |
9 | 9 | Neptune's Reef | Neptune's Reef | Stephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Vincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Sang-yeon Park | |
10 | 10 | The Chalice | The Chalice | Stephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Vincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Sang-yeon Park | |
11 | 11 | Black Kairu Gold Metanoid | Black Kairu Gold Metanoid | Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Michelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park | |
12 | 12 | Tournament of Champions | Tournament of Champions | Stephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Vincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Michelle Lamoreaux | |
13 | 13 | Kairu Showdown | Kairu Showdown | Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Sang-yeon Park | |
14 | 14 | Battacor Blood | Battacor Blood | Stephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Vincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Sang-yeon Park | |
15 | 15 | Farm Boy Boomer | Farm Boy Boomer | Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Sang-yeon Park | |
16 | 16 | The Kairu Vessel | The Kairu Vessel | Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Sang-yeon Park | |
17 | 17 | The Return of Connor Stax | The Return of Connor Stax | Stephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Vincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Michelle Lamoreaux | |
18 | 18 | The Island | The Island | Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Sang-yeon Park | |
19 | 19 | Kairu Visions | Kairu Visions | Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Sang-yeon Park | |
20 | 20 | The Redakai | The Redakai | Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Michelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park | |
21 | 21 | The Gauntlet of Lokar | The Gauntlet of Lokar | Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Sang-yeon Park | |
22 | 22 | Green with Infinita Envy | Green with Infinita Envy | Stephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Vincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Sang-yeon Park | |
23 | 23 | The New Warrior | The New Warrior | Stephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Vincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Sang-yeon Park | |
24 | 24 | Dream Team E-Teens | Dream Team E-Teens | Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Sang-yeon Park | |
25 | 25 | Clash of the Kairu Warriors: Part I | Clash of the Kairu Warriors: Part I | Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver Jongerlynck | Michelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park | |
26 | 26 | Clash of the Kairu Warriors: Part II | Clash of the Kairu Warriors: Part II | Stephane Berry,Oliver Jongerlynck,Sang-ho Yeon | Michelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Vincent Chalvon-Demersay |
Resim | Sezon Sırası | Toplam Sırası | İngilizce İsim | Türkçe İsim | Yönetmen | Yazar |
2 | 28 | The Rise of Zane | The Rise of Zane | Sang-ho Yeon | Michelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park | |
3 | 29 | Arrival of the Hiverax | Arrival of the Hiverax | Oliver Jongerlynck | Vincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Michelle Lamoreaux | |
7 | 33 | Discovery of the Kairu Cube | Discovery of the Kairu Cube | Sang-ho Yeon | Michelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park | |
10 | 36 | Vision of Catastrophe | Vision of Catastrophe | Sang-ho Yeon | Michelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park | |
13 | 39 | The Return of Lokar | The Return of Lokar | Sang-ho Yeon | Michelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park | |
14 | 40 | Tournament of the Kairu Cube | Tournament of the Kairu Cube | Sang-ho Yeon | Vincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Michelle Lamoreaux | |
22 | 48 | Island of the Hiverax | Island of the Hiverax | Sang-ho Yeon | Sean Jara,Sang-yeon Park | |
23 | 49 | Battle of the Hiverax | Battle of the Hiverax | Sang-ho Yeon | Doug Hadders,Sang-yeon Park,Adam Rotstein | |
25 | 51 | The End of the Shadow: Part I | The End of the Shadow: Part I | Sang-ho Yeon | Michelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park | |
26 | 52 | The End of the Shadow: Part 2 | The End of the Shadow: Part 2 | Sang-ho Yeon | Vincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Michelle Lamoreaux |