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The series revolves around Ky, a 15-year-old student of ancient martial arts, who embarks on an epic quest to find the Kairu, a primordial alien energy source. Aided by his friends Maya and Boomer, Ky travels the world searching for the Kairu while attempting to make sure that his extraterrestrial teenage alien adversaries don't find it first.

ResimSezon SırasıToplam Sırasıİngilizce İsimTürkçe İsimYönetmenYazar
11The Fist of the ColossusThe Fist of the ColossusStephane Berry,Sang-ho YeonVincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Michelle Lamoreaux
22Maya Goes BadMaya Goes BadSang-ho YeonMichelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park
33The Kairu DiaryThe Kairu DiarySang-ho YeonMichelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park
44The Cataclysm StoneThe Cataclysm StoneSang-ho YeonMichelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park
55The Guardian of the SoulsThe Guardian of the SoulsSang-ho YeonSang-yeon Park,Franklin Young
66The Valley of the BanyanThe Valley of the BanyanStephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckVincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Michelle Lamoreaux
77The Kairu That Time ForgotThe Kairu That Time ForgotStephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckVincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Sang-yeon Park
88The Mask of FireThe Mask of FireStephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckVincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Sang-yeon Park
99Neptune's ReefNeptune's ReefStephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckVincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Sang-yeon Park
1010The ChaliceThe ChaliceStephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckVincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Sang-yeon Park
1111Black Kairu Gold MetanoidBlack Kairu Gold MetanoidSang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckMichelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park
1212Tournament of ChampionsTournament of ChampionsStephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckVincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Michelle Lamoreaux
1313Kairu ShowdownKairu ShowdownSang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckSang-yeon Park
1414Battacor BloodBattacor BloodStephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckVincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Sang-yeon Park
1515Farm Boy BoomerFarm Boy BoomerSang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckSang-yeon Park
1616The Kairu VesselThe Kairu VesselSang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckSang-yeon Park
1717The Return of Connor StaxThe Return of Connor StaxStephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckVincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Michelle Lamoreaux
1818The IslandThe IslandSang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckSang-yeon Park
1919Kairu VisionsKairu VisionsSang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckSang-yeon Park
2020The RedakaiThe RedakaiSang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckMichelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park
2121The Gauntlet of LokarThe Gauntlet of LokarSang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckSang-yeon Park
2222Green with Infinita EnvyGreen with Infinita EnvyStephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckVincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Sang-yeon Park
2323The New WarriorThe New WarriorStephane Berry,Sang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckVincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Sang-yeon Park
2424Dream Team E-TeensDream Team E-TeensSang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckSang-yeon Park
2525Clash of the Kairu Warriors: Part IClash of the Kairu Warriors: Part ISang-ho Yeon,Oliver JongerlynckMichelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park
2626Clash of the Kairu Warriors: Part IIClash of the Kairu Warriors: Part IIStephane Berry,Oliver Jongerlynck,Sang-ho YeonMichelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Vincent Chalvon-Demersay

ResimSezon SırasıToplam Sırasıİngilizce İsimTürkçe İsimYönetmenYazar
228The Rise of ZaneThe Rise of ZaneSang-ho YeonMichelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park
329Arrival of the HiveraxArrival of the HiveraxOliver JongerlynckVincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Michelle Lamoreaux
733Discovery of the Kairu CubeDiscovery of the Kairu CubeSang-ho YeonMichelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park
1036Vision of CatastropheVision of CatastropheSang-ho YeonMichelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park
1339The Return of LokarThe Return of LokarSang-ho YeonMichelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park
1440Tournament of the Kairu CubeTournament of the Kairu CubeSang-ho YeonVincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Michelle Lamoreaux
2248Island of the HiveraxIsland of the HiveraxSang-ho YeonSean Jara,Sang-yeon Park
2349Battle of the HiveraxBattle of the HiveraxSang-ho YeonDoug Hadders,Sang-yeon Park,Adam Rotstein
2551The End of the Shadow: Part IThe End of the Shadow: Part ISang-ho YeonMichelle Lamoreaux,Robert Lamoreaux,Sang-yeon Park
2652The End of the Shadow: Part 2The End of the Shadow: Part 2Sang-ho YeonVincent Chalvon-Demersay,David Michel,Michelle Lamoreaux